Wearables är ett begrepp för alla de tekniska prylar som vi bär runt på våra kroppar – smarta klockor, armband som mäter hur vi rör oss och kameror som plåtar allt vi gör. Sprang på en intressant artikel på det ämnet idag. Riktigt intressant tanke att göra Wearables så det passar örat.
Gillar detta:
So why in the ear? Well the ear has been proven to be a much better place to accurately measure the wearer’s temperature, heart-rate, the amount of calories burnt and other life saving key biometrics. Also, when it comes to putting tech in our ears, it all begun with the classical earbuds that came with our FM Walkman. Since then, I think its safe to assume that these ubiquitous devices have paved the way for today’s earbuds. Hearables also have the advantage of being more familiar, which means that when it comes to user experience of the product, consumers will not need to change their behavior in order to enjoy the benefits that hearable technology can provide.
Mano ten Napel som skrivit artikeln fortsätter:
I personally would love to have my own personal assistant in my ear telling me to count to ten when I am having a stressful moment. They will be my very own AIPA, also known as Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistant (coined that one…) In the long term this is what technology is meant to do, add real value to our lives, in an very unobtrusive way.
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